
Islam's Rise & Fall Within The Book Of Thought

with a month along with a year, to slay the 3rd a part of men' -- comes down to a shade a lot more than 391 'prophetic days' (= 1   30   360). In order for there, anciently per month comprised of 30 along with a year of 360 days. This apparently refers, in compliance using the 'year-day' principle of prophetic interpretation -- to the size of prophetic time needed for that completing this whole enterprise.It thus comes down to approximately 391 natural years. Cf. Genesis 1:14 & 5:23 & 29:18-30 Amounts 14:34 Ezekiel 4:5-8 Daniel 7:25 & 9:2-24f & 12:7-11 and Thought 11:2-11 & 12:6-14 & 13:5.


 "As George Stanley Faber stated (in 1806) regarding Thought 9:13-15f: 'The accurate accomplishment of the statistical prediction, is singularly amazing. The Turks, under Ortogrul, acquired their first victory within the Greek Empire around 1281 -- through the conquest of Cutahi. Around 1357, they entered over into Europe.


 "'In the entire year 1453, they required Constantinople. And also the remaining Provinces from the [Eastern Roman] Empire soon adopted the fate from the capital. Around 1669, they provided themselves masters of The island. And around 1672, they wrested Camenice, their last conquest, in the Rods. If now we compute 391 years in the year 1281 -- they'll exactly bring us lower towards the year 1672.'


 "The above mentioned view was common, both pre and post Faber. Generally, it's which of: Downham, Brightman, Mede, Parker, Durham, Goodwin, Increase Mather, Sherwin, Jurieu, Fleming, Cotton Mather, Daubuz, Mister Isaac Newton, Jonathan Edwards, Bishop Thomas Newton, John Gill, John Brown of Haddington, Winthrop, Thomas Scott, Larger, James Angell Brown, Alexander Keith, Bickersteth, Louis Gaussen, Bishop Elliott, Albert Barnes, and J.P. Lange."


 - Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, "Islam within the Bible", p. 28, (free PDF online) as well as on the Puritan Hard Disk.


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