
Muslim Dynamics ISI - Osama-bin-Laden (OBL) Nexus

The attack hadn't only shaken the People in america but had also forced the Western Nations to see emerging Islamic Fundamentalist and Terrorists Threat (IFTT) around the world Peace in the transnational levels. Why Islamic terrorists had roasting 3037 innocent ordinary people alive would not be recognized to the kith and Kin of dead people? Is Pakistan a Terrorist Condition?
Anyhow, Personally i think the attack on USA soil was using the twin goal of 1, showing Muslim terrorists resolve to face up to USA hegemony and also the second to share a note towards the Western Nations that terrorist can strike at each place on earth when needed. Leader Bush's efforts in publish WTC attack had forged a oneness among the Western nations to battle the menace of Worldwide Islamic Terrorism (IIT). I'd state that till 9/11/01, all of the previous US Government's were safe from the pains, sufferings and miseries of sufferers of ISI premeditated and performed frequent terrorist's attacks in India. Though, US foreign policy makers were very faintly acknowledging Indians cries against Pakistani backed terrorism however they had continuously maintained double standard policy towards curbing Pakistan. I'm still certain WTC attack couldn't have be completed without intricate understanding and planning of well known ISI Agency of Pakistan. The china travel guide mergency that Leader Rose bush Junior had typed out USA's intention to create perpetrators of WTC 9/11/01 attack to justice, had still continued to be an online imagine US to this day. Although the Rose bush administration have been in a position to garner world leaders' opinion against terrorism, but USA had totally herself unsuccessful in most area of limiting terrorism at worldwide level and also to bring Osama-bin-Laden (OBL) to justice. Things to discuss taking and punishing, the united states entire war machinery couldn't even arrived at know where about of OBL till date. OBL is thought to become greatly alive under ISI protégé within the safe heavens of NWFPA areas in Pakistan.
Pakistan's Cantankerous Game sufferers: India and USA
Why has USA to date unsuccessful to capture Osama-bin-Laden?
Answer my real question is hidden within the Government of India's (GOI) repeated attempts of subjecting Pakistan's well known ISI-OBL-Dawood trio worldwide terrorists links and ISI role in conveying worldwide terrorists from Pakistan terrorists creating industrial facilities running from various Madarssas. ISI recognizes that US can perform nothing without their help therefore, the Pakistan government is playing double game both with India and US. While Pakistan had convinced, the united states leaderships that they is training foreign terrorists to battle Jihad in Kashmir but really ISI is stealthy smuggling out foreign terrorists been trained in individuals camps to Afghanistan and Iraq to battle against US and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation nation's forces. Why ISI had selected Afghan-Pakistan border areas as safe paradise for OBL is extremely apparent from ISI infamous style of playing double standard game with USA. ISI is extremely certain USA won't ever have the ability to apprehend fugitive OBL without Pakistan help, therefore, the whole Pakistani government machinery is making full-scale efforts to milk billions and billions people dollars before either OBL dies his natural dying or perhaps is going to die. ISI hawks realize that if USA has the capacity to locate OBL by chance, the Pakistan Government would pressure him to crossover to Afghanistan to wash Pakistan bloody linens. I'm still sceptical that ISI would handover mortal remains of Osama to desperate USA leadership to achieve home face savings victory. US policy makers realize that Islamic Terrorism can't be fought against without Pakistani support therefore, all of their foreign guidelines in East Asia are Pakistan centric. While Pakistan is attempting to milk US maximum on one for reds, she's orchestrating combat foreign terrorists settled permanently in NWFP hill areas alternatively. These foreign terrorists are really individuals Jihadies who have been enrolled to battle Jihad on the planet anywhere.
While Pakistan is attempting to contain terrorism on her behalf soil using Military she would like Indian government to solve through dialogue and peaceful means in Kashmir. ISI is training, feeding, arming and supplying all logistic support to Indian terrorists hiding in Pakistan. ISI doesn't allow any US military observer to go to Terrorists Training Camps (TTC) in Pakistan Occupied Poonch and Kashmir (POPK) to help keep the amount of foreign terrorists being trained suspicious to ensure that Pakistan could stealthily smuggle out the majority of the foreign trained terrorists to Afghanistan and Iraq to battle Jihad against US only.
IIT Training Industrial facilities in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Sudan
USA and Western Nations should realize that until unless of course worldwide terrorists manufacturing and conveying industrial facilities placed in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan and Ethiopia aren't completely taken apart and destroyed, the planet can't be free of IIT. Indian intelligence agencies have listed nearly 34 TTC in POPK to battle covert war in Kashmir. In reality, it's the ISI design to carry on training terrorists within the garb of Kashmir problem overtly and train and offer IIT with other place in the world discreetly. The current exposure of Multinational ethnic Muslim Terrorists training camping in Muzzaffrabad district of POPK has still not opened up US eyes of double mix. I am unable to think that Government is not aware of numerous TTC setup in Pakistan. I'm certain that the worldwide terrorists from Kashmir, Bangladesh, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran along with other Muslim nations are educated to fight Jihad, therefore, terrorists been trained in POPK camps will be to combat USA, Britain, Australia, Canada along with other non-Islamic nations. ISI is directly routing these IIT to battle Jihad not against India and Israel but against USA and also the West. Basically understand Pakistani leader's paycheque well I'll assure everyone around you that it's ISI only that is really delivering trained terrorists to Taliban in Afghanistan and Al-Qaida in Iraq. It's the agony of proven fact that ISI is training IIT with funds caused by USA to battle against USA and Western nations only.
Fears of Leader Mohammad Hafiz Karzai of Afghanistan aren't groundless. Pakistan is exclusively accountable for ongoing unrest in Afghanistan. Karzai had repeatedly cried ISI links with Taliban along with other terrorist's clothes in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Muslim Fundamentalist Organisations operating from Pakistan are funding Taliban. They're also organizing logistic support for relaxation and recouping for hurt terrorists and safe paradise for transiting terrorists as well as their leaders wanted by US. Although the world leaders had acknowledging the function of Pakistan in supporting Taliban in Afghanistan and Al-Qaida in Iraq however the US authorities keep their eyes shut. Additionally to Pakistan, a lot of foreign terrorists are entering in Afghanistan that are been trained in Bangladesh, Taliban controlled areas in Afghanistan and Sudan. The United States own intelligence agencies had says a sizable amounts of Al-Qaida terrorists, who're fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, are now being been trained in Sudan too.
Why USA is closing her eyes for the future rising Islamic Terrorists and Fundamentalists threat around the world peace isn't known however the attack upon us citizens' around the world would likely rise in in the future ahead.

