
Have China been colonized China Group Tours

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to be honestly, never. in ancient time, china has been the no.1 superpower of the world until several hundred years ago. because the west rised and developed very fast while china stoped developping and the communicate with other countries was banned by the emper of china tour advisors (in my opinion, it was very stupid , so the england became the no.1 superpower and now as we all know is the usa). the fact is :the korea had been ruled by the emper of china for a long time. for example: the"korea" you had typed was named by the emper of china

In fact, for a long time, Korea had been a protectorate state of China on and off for over a thousand years. At a time, japan also paid tribute to China the way as korea did, but japan was poor and was requested to pay only once for every 12 years, whereas, korea and ryukyu kingdom etc were wealthy, they were requested to pay once every several years.

However, in return, all of these protectorate states were able to trade with China freely and make their country more prosperous. That is why, whenever China Group Tours was strong and wealthy, all of these protectorate states also became very prosperous. When China had internal problem and became weak, all of these protectorate states were unable to do well.

Because of the distance by ocean, China was hard to get a hold of japan, thus, eventually, japan stopped paying tribute to China. Of course nowadays, because of the scientific and technological development, the distance between China and japan is no longer considered a long distance.

When korea was still a protectorate state of China, twice, korea was invaded by japan. Because of the obligation, China sent soldiers to korea to help kick the japanese invaders out of korea.

