
What is the most useful foregin language to learn

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Well, that depends on which region you live in or what purpose you are learning it for.

In Europe, French should be the first choice after English, as it the most one day tours common language of international jobs and diplomatic world. Then comes German, used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Spanish is a great choice, which has a large population across the Atlantic. Spanish is also useful for those living in the US. People in Canada must learn French, which is one of the two official languages.

If you have to work in or travel to North Africa, some Arabic and French are must. Morocco, Algeria and Lybia use French alongside Arabic as official languages.

In Asia, Hindi is a great choice, and it widely understood in India, Pakistan, Nepal and in some parts of Bangladesh.

Chinese is a difficult language to learn, but if one can, it would be nice for day tours , as well as in areas of Chinese communities.

So, you now have to decide for yourself. Good luck.

That depends upon what you want to do. If you want to go to Germany, Austria or Switzerland, German would be great.

Locally in the US, Spanish is probably the most useful second language.

If you want to go to Quebec, France or many of the former French colonies, French is useful.

For the intelligence community and the military, Persian, Arabic, Korean, Russian and Chinese are all useful, and they all useful in business as well, as is Japanese.

Take your pick, you really can go wrong. The best way to learn is through a class, learning by yourself has its problems, but if you want to try it, the Rosetta Stone series is probably your best bet.

