
Honeymoon killer Gabe Watson's release disappointing

Honeymoon killer Gabe Watson's release disappointing says Tina Watson's family

Before he is deported to the US, the Australian Government is seeking an China Group Tours assurance from the US that Watson will not face the death penalty if tried and convicted in his home state of Alabama, which wants to try him for murder and kidnapping.

It is unknown at this stage how long he will remain in immigration detention.

Tina's father, Tommy Thomas, says he's disappointed the legal process in Australia has come to an Private China Tours end.

"I'm disappointed on so many different levels," Mr Thomas told ABC Radio.

"I'm disappointed for my family. I'm disappointed for Tina, especially because she is the true victim in this case.

"I'm really disappointed for the Australian people because I know they wanted to see justice done just as much as we did.

"Had he not been allowed to plead guilty to manslaughter, had he been forced to face evidence before a jury in Australia, then that would have been our best chance.

